
Hi, I’m Mills!

Hello World. 👋🏾 I’m Mills, your friendly, curly haired photographer. 😊 I’ve been shooting “professionally” since 2014, but have really been passionate about photography since I was about 14. When you shoot with me, I’ll bring a lot of energy! But it’s also great when you’re excited too!

Getting your photograph taken can sometimes be stressful or nerve wrecking, especially if it’s your first professional photoshoot, and that’s okay; we all get a little nervous before a shoot, even me! But don’t fret, we’ll wipe away those nerves in no time. 😌 

A few random facts about me/my shooting style:

  1. I’m one of the few Native Nashvillians. I’ve been born and raised in our good ole Music City.

  2. I am a Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Alum. Go Blue Raiders!

  3. I love nature. Based on my photography style, you’ll see a lot of natural elements in my photos.

  4. I’m also big on natural beauty. I don’t like to “make up” a person too much when I shoot or even edit. I prefer to enhance your natural characteristics and make YOU pop on camera, not so much the elements around you.

  5. I LOVE personality tests and knowing others personality types. Here are a few of mine:

    • Myers-Briggs: ESFJ

    • Enneagram: Type 7

    • Top 5 Clifton Strengths: 1) Positivity; 2) Individualization; 3) Futuristic; 4) Strategic; and 5) Relator

My word for 2021 was “consistency,” and I am constantly tweaking my colors, lighting, style, etc. with my craft to get the results I love and really develop my brand identity. I’ve been slacking on blog postings and will be trying to get into this Instagram reels and video content rolling more often so you all can see a full me and what I do! Keep following along, and let me know if there’s something specific you want me to share with you. Thanks for reading! Hopefully, I’ll get to learn something about you at our next shoot. 😉 

Connect with me on Instagram to stay up to date on my latest photoshoots and happenings in my photo world.